The brake rotor, or disc, is attached to your wheel. The brake pads rub on the rotor to slow your car when you are driving in SAN DIEGO.Rotors can warp, crack or become misaligned. They can also ...
We've all been there. You park your vehicle on a steeper than usual hill and worry about it rolling down while you're running your errands. So you decide you'll use the parking brake. ...
As the weather changes over from hot to colder, drivers will have to deal with more slippery streets. And it's important to know how to drive with the brakes you have on your vehicle.
In ...
When you step on your brake pedal, you want to feel confident that your vehicle’s going to stop. If your brakes aren’t working right, it’s a risk to your safety and the safety ...
Every time you drive your vehicle, you wear down your brakes just a little bit. And after a while, that adds up. Gradually, your stopping power isn't like it used to be. Since brakes...
If you notice your brakes aren’t working like they used to, that’s the kind of thing that’s important to have checked out soon. That’s because your brakes are extraordina...
Think of how much abuse your brakes take. Day in and day out, they stop your vehicle when it's going fast and when it's going slow. Maybe your vehicle has been vibrating when you brake, or maybe it se...
If that little brake warning light pops up on your dash, do you know what it means? Well, if you said no, you wouldn't be alone. You know it has something to do with your brakes, but exactly what? You...